Wednesday 23 March 2016


Syria at root of terrorism problems SAYS PM of syria

We stand with Belgium: Turnbull

Syria at root of terrorism problems: PM
Malcolm Turnbull has criticised Europe's "slipped" security measures, but says the only way to curb Islamic State's reach to the west is by defeating the group at its source in Syria.
Condemning terrorist attacks in Belgium, the prime minister said the extremist group was exploiting the regional refugee crisis.
"Recent intelligence indicates that ISIL is using the refugees crisis to send its operatives into Europe," he told the Lowy Institute in Sydney.
The attacks in Brussels were an unfortunate reminder of the challenges facing Europe, where violent Islamist extremism had reached a "crisis point", Mr Turnbull said.
The attacks were inspired, if not planned, by IS's Syrian headquarters, he said.
"While more attacks in Europe and elsewhere are seemingly inevitable, the genesis of many of the current issues lies in Syria.
"Defeating ISIL at its source will significantly constrain ISIL's reach into the west."
Mr Turnbull said Europe was facing a perfect storm of failed or neglected integration, foreign fighters returning from Iraq and Syria, porous borders and struggling intelligence and security systems.
Terrorism was not only a European issue but global - and given Australia's widespread interests it was also close to home, he argued.
The national terror threat level is unchanged at "probable" following the airport and metro attacks in Brussels that killed 34 people and injured more than 100.
Australians are being advised to reconsider any travel to Belgium.
Justice Minister Michael Keenan said there are risks in Europe in terms of the uncontrolled migration of people and the fact that it is easier to get weapons there than in Australia.
Mr Turnbull agreed.
"If you can't control your borders, you don't know who's coming or going," he said.
But Belgium's ambassador in Australia Jean-Luc Bodson hit back, saying while you can have police control within a state, reinstating borders across Europe would come at a huge economic cost.
"Terrorism is a global worldwide phenomenon and is there to stay. There is nothing like absolute security," he said.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten lambasted the prime minister's critique.
"I think it's premature (for) the prime minister to be telling the Belgians what they did wrong within 24 hours of what's happened in Belgium," Mr Shorten told reporters in Gladstone.
Controversial Liberal backbencher Cory Bernardi says Islam is responsible for a growing global problem and "mealy-mouthed" politicians who say otherwise are wrong.
Border protection officers have cancelled Easter weekend strikes at airports around the country, saying they would never compromise national security.
Floral tributes are being laid on the steps of the Belgium embassy.
* Department of Foreign Affairs 24-hour emergency hotline: 1300 555 135
Originally published as Syria at root of terrorism problems: PM

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