Sunday 10 April 2016

IBM Charged US Govt Rs 9.5 Crores For A Simple App. Indian Techie Makes It In 4 Minutes!

We know how exorbitantly IT companies charge to make an app. A similar incident happened with IBM.

The US government airport security consulted IBM to make an app. The app was supposed to direct the passengers at the airport and IBM charged $ 1.4 million (9.5 crores) for the same.

The app wasn’t that convoluted: it was supposed to point ‘left’ and ‘right’ to passengers and filter them in two lines at security checkpoints.
Now, you’d estimate that such an exorbitant-priced app would take days to finish.

But, turns out, Sandesh Suvarna, an ex-employee of IBM, decided to steal the thunder: he made the entire app in just 4 minutes.

Image Source
He has pursued B.E from – NMAMIT, Nitte and his M.Tech from – SJCE, Mysore.

As if that’s not enough, he managed to make the app live and recorded it on YouTube. This proved how ridiculously priced the app was!

Here’s the entire video:
It took him JUST 4 minutes to create an app worth Rs 9.5 crores.
I’m assuming Sandesh will now get a lot of Sandesha from tech companies now. ðŸ˜›

Kudos to you, Sandesh Suvarna.

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